P1050010Sign Up Now!  (space is limited)

Cost $40.00 per person – pre-registration  ($50.00 at the door)
Date:  Saturday, March 8, 2014
Time: 4:00 – 6:00pm

In this workshop you will learn:

  • What is Tai Chi
  • Elementary Tai Chi, Qigong & Push Hands Principles
  • Basic Tai Chi Movement
  • Basic Tai Chi Stepping (Walking)
  • Proper Tai Chi body posture and mechanics
  • The  Tai Chi Stretch & Warm-Up Exercise
  • Tai Chi Breathing and Breath Coordination (Qigong exercises)

    Students will meet Master Michael Paler and be able to discuss as a group their health and wellness needs, whether it be for healing from an injury or wanting to learn Tai Chi for its internal martial arts capabilities. Master Michael will help to guide students in choosing the right course of action for their individual goals.

P1050007Instructor: Master Michael Paler 
Originally from New York, Michael has traveled extensively throughout Tai Chi Communities around the country.  For over 20 years, he has taught classes in numerous Tai Chi, Qigong, and other related disciplines to people from ages 5 to 93, in both class and personal settings.  Since 1999, Michael has been teaching this beautiful art he has dedicated his life to, to benefit others in the Colorado Springs community.


At the end of this workshop you will have — everything you need to join a Beginner’s class with confidence.

Register Now!

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Introductory Workshop (space is limited)

Cost: Workshop Alone $40.00 per person – pre-registration  ($50.00 at the door)
or choose  The Whole En”CHI”lata Package, complete with Workshop, 12 Class Package, and a Tai Chi 24 Form DVD. (See Above)
Date:  Saturday, March 8, 2014
Time: 4:00 – 6:00pm
Location: Tai Chi Association: 219 W. Colorado Ave.  Suite 310, Colorado Springs, CO.  Upstairs
Bring a note book to class, wear loose comfortable clothing. Healthy Snacks included

Still Unsure?

Read the testimonials:

I have been taking Tai Chi & Healing Medical Qigong for over eight years. I learned more in the last month and a half than in all that time in regards to Chi, Qigong and Tai Chi. I find Master Michael Paler to be the best teacher I have ever had and the most definitive in his methods of teaching. I intend to learn all he can possibly teach me about Tai Chi and Qigong.
Respectfully,             – Jim Spratt

Why You’ll Love This Workshop:

  1. It’s fun.
  2. You’ll feel great!
  3. It’s a mind-body connection thing.
  4. The workout is gentle but internal, energizes and refreshes.
  5. It’s a new beginning toward a finer quality of life — spirit, mind, and body.