Learn Tai Chi in the comfort of your own home!

In addition to daily Tai Chi classes, we also offer a complete Online learning curriculum, allowing you to study with Sifu Michael Paler in the privacy of your own home and at your convenience.

This  online program was especially designed for the Tai Chi beginner as it takes you through each and every tai chi movement in order. You will learn the entire Yang Style 108 Form, Warm up exercises, Basic skills, Stances and weight positions, as well as optional 100 day exercises, Yang Cheng Fu’s 10 essential principles, Qigongs and 2-Person exercises.

When you sign up you will receive instant access to the first 9 instructional videos and the private members-only Facebook forum so you can ask questions and get to know other students. Then, each month, you will receive more online videos to further your Tai Chi training!

Our online curriculum is designed for all levels of learning, beginner through advanced. I will personally show you how to create a Tai Chi body by teaching you correct form and principles that will enhance your Tai Chi form, your health and change your life.

– Sifu Michael Paler

Why choose us?


We’re also the proud partner of  Catamount Center.